Financial information

For 40 years, we have been creating value for customers, employees, and other stakeholders. On this page, you find our financial and sustainability reports in both English and Swedish.

Hedin Mobility Group's news and press releases are under News & Media.


Net sales, MSEK


Growth in net sales


Operational earnings


Sold vehicles*





* 45,000 vehicles sold in business area Distribution, and the remaining 214,000 sold in Retail.

Read more about our business and the Group’s financial and sustainability performance in our Annual, Interim, and Sustainability Reports below.

Hedin Mobility Group AB (publ) is a privately-owned company based in Mölndal, Sweden. The Company is owned to 71.5% by Hedin Group, a company fully owned by Anders Hedin who is also CEO and President of Hedin Mobility Group. Other owners are Ingemar Hedin (3.5%), father to Anders Hedin and co-founder of Hedin Mobility Group, and Skandrenting AB (25%).


Investor Relations contact

Per Mårtensson
CFO, Hedin Mobility Group AB (publ)
+46 31-790 04 81

Senior unsecured bonds 2023/2026

In June 2023, Hedin Mobility Group AB (publ) successfully issued senior unsecured bonds in Swedish kronor in an amount of SEK 1,000 million under a framework of SEK 2,000 million. The bonds have a floating rate of 3 months STIBOR + 5.75 per cent per annum and mature in July 2026.

The bonds are traded on the Corporate Bond List at Nasdaq Stockholm (regulated market). ISIN: SE0018742033.

Financial and Sustainability Reports (English and Swedish)